FISP Cycle 10:
Contact us for your 10th Cycle filing today
FISP Cycle 10 Deadlines:
FISP Cycle 10 filing windows are based on the last digit of your building’s block number.
Are you ready for the next cycle of the Facade Inspection and Safety Program (FISP)? Whether your building was SAFE, SWARMP, or informed that your building needed immediate repairs in Cycle 9, the planning for Cycle 10 begins now.
Every building over 6 stories requires a FISP inspection within its sub-cycle. KTA has numerous methods of beginning an inspection campaign depending on needs, height, and location of the building. The entire process is a tailored experience beginning even before the first inspection.
While contractors are still available, it is important to begin the bid process for any work your building may need. In particular, if you were found to be SWARMP or UNSAFE in previous cycles, now is the time to address your repairs. KTA works closely with clients to phase projects according to budget and will coordinate construction throughout.
KTA ensures thorough documentation throughout the entire process, to make your FISP compliance needs a smooth experience. By the time a FISP repair project is complete, we submit a comprehensive report to certify and record the inspections and work performed.